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A face needs a thorough cleansing once and a while.

A face needs a thorough cleansing once and a while. With a facial cleaning all the accumulated dead skin cells, dirt and make-up can be removed and white/blackheads can be extracted. We use advanced techniques and procedures to ensure quality results.


A new technique to remove impurities from the skin with vortex water technology and to infuse nutrients and water into to skin to improve hydration.

Dermaplaning facial

Dermaplaning facial is an innovative approach to removing dead skin cells, allowing a jump start for skin renewal and infusion of nutrients. It is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the epidermis and ridding the skin of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz).

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This technique is the mechanical peeling with fine diamond dermabrasion, leaving your skin smooth, clean and soft.


A cabin treatment is a specific designed treatment for your skin condition, either dry, acne-prone, oily, pigmented, sensitive of mature skin. Several treatments can be combined according to your needs and desire.


Body and facial massages can be performed for relaxation and comfort purposes. Give your body a chance to refresh and regenerate again.


A specific treatment with narrowband-UVB light for hypo-pigmented areas and conditions like vitiligo and psoriasis. Short treatments with relative good results on hypopigmentations and dyspigmentations.


A new technique where the properties of your own blood are enhanced. Using the growth factors, Interleucins and anti-inflammatory effects of platelet and nutrients in your plasma we are able to regenerate growth and healing processes. Also male vitality and female vaginal restructuring can be achieved.


With a Dermapen pro-small punctures are made in the skin to stimulate and enhance collagen in your face and other body parts. Also used for scar treatment and can be combined with PRP.


Depending on availability and stock of Botulinum toxin A (Botox and Bocouture) can be applied to stop signs of aging. Hyaluronic acid treatment for rhinomodulation, wrinkles, tear troughs, nasolabial and marionette lines, cheeks and chin. Also Phosphtydyul choline (PPC) for fat -dissolve treatments.


This is a peeling using chemical acids like Ascorbic acid, Azelaic acid and glycolic acid in different concentrations for each specific skin.


With this electrocoagulation, we are able to remove skin tags, moles, hemangiomas, warts, and treat other skin conditions with great precision and results.


With the Secret micro-needling Radiofrequency, the ingenious combination of micro needles and RF is combined. Synthesis of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid is the goal and simultaneously firming of the skin to reduce wrinkle appearance.

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Botox is a brand name of a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. There are other brand names for botulinum, such as Xeomin. In large amounts, this toxin can cause botulism, which you probably associate with food poisoning. Despite the fact that one of the most serious complications of botulism is paralysis, scientists have discovered a way to use it to human advantage.

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Dermal Fillers

Inform your provider if you have a history of Perioral Herpes to receive advice on antiviral therapy prior to treatment. 7 DAYS BEFORE treatment (to prevent bruising): Avoid blood thinning over-the-counter medications such as Aspirin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, and Ponstan. Also avoid herbal supplements, such as Garlic, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John’s Wort, and Omega-3 capsules.

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Consent Hyaluronidase Treatment

Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that breaks down dermal fillers made of hyaluronic acid into small sugars which easily disperse. Risks of the procedure include but may not be limited. Trauma during the procedure is caused by needles and cannulas passing through tisue, and includes bleeding, bruising, haematoma (a larger collection of blood in the skin, outside of blood vesels), damage to underlying structures including veins, arteries, nerves, salivary glands, lymph nodes, bone,muscle and other soft tissue structures are possible.
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Laser hair removal

Almost everyone suffers from unwanted hair growth on certain parts of the body. Regular shaving, resins or epilation of this hair growth can cause skin irritation and also cost a lot of time. The Diode Laser is the solution for this!

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Laser treatment for scars

Laser therapy uses focused beams of light to treat damaged areas on the body. It can remove tumors and other growths, improve vision, stop hair loss, and treat pain. Laser therapy can also improve the appearance of scars.

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Fractional laser for Striae

Fraxel laser for stretch marks is a very sought after method in the quest of many people trying to get rid of stretch marks.
The science of laser therapy in short is the stimulation of the skin in order to bring about new tissue growth.

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Fractional Resurfacing

The fractional lasers are the main lasers used throughout the country for the treatment of acne scars. Fractional skin tightening works well and generally patients see their acne scars improved by a considerable degree after the treatment(s).

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Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation

Sexuality is an important part of women’s health, quality of life and general well-being.All women who have given birth vaginally experience stretching of their vaginal tissue. Long-term physical andpsychological consequences may occur, including loss of sensation and sexual dissatisfaction related to vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA).

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Pigment removal

Freckles, age spots, liver spots and sun damage are the main examples of benign pigmentation shifts that can be removed with the Q-switched laser.

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Melasma is a dysregulation of the homeostatic mechanisms that control skin pigmentation and excess pigment is produced. Traditional treatment approaches with topical medications and chemical peels are commonly used but due to the refractory and recurrent nature of melasma, patients often seek alternative treatment strategies such as laser and light therapy.

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Carbon Laser Skin Rejuvenation

The Carbon Laser treatment is a new laser procedure for enhancing the skin’s radiance and promoting a smooth, glowing complexion.The Carbon Laser Peel treatment helps to reduce imperfections like enlarged pores that originate from the outer skin layer (Stratum Corneum).

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Laser tattoo removal

Laser tattoo removal is a simple procedure that utilizes high-powered lasers that penetrate deep into the skin and are able to permanently break up the ink particles within the skin that give the color to the tattoo.

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Platelet Rich Plasma Hair

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, treatments have become invaluable for treating orthopedic and sports-related injuries. In fact, PRP therapy is used in a wide variety of medical specializations today to help patients heal faster and avoid more radical or invasive treatments.

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Priapus Shot® (P-Shot® or PRP)

If you are looking for a way to rejuvenate your sex life, the Priapus Shot®
is a safe, non-pharmaceutical way to treat and potentially reverse the root cause of erectile dysfunction with benefits lasting from 12 up to 18 months.

Pre And Post Care Instructions For The Priapus Shot Prp Procedure Read More

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Radio frequency needling

If your skin is scarred, wrinkled, sagging or pigmented, Radio Frequency Needling (RF Needling) may be the perfect treatment for you! RF Needling is a revolutionary treatment for skin tightening and rejuvenation. It uses a combination of radio frequency and percutaneous needling to induce collagen production and tighten elastin fibres.

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Micro needling facial (Dr Pen needling/Dermapen)

Microneedling is a non-invasive procedure that has been around for many years. It has gained popularity recently due to its many benefits and its ability to treat a plethora of skin concerns.

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Subcision: Cellulite Reduction

Originally described by Orentreich and Orentreich, subcision (‘subcutaneous incisionless surgery’) is a very simple surgical technique for the treatment of wrinkles and scars on the face. In 1995, Hexsel and Mazzuco developed this technique for the specific treatment of cellulite.
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Vascular Vein Removal Treatment Principle

The principle for laser’s blood vessels treatment lies in selective photothermolysis theory. The major targeted chromophore in facial vascular treatment is oxyhemoglobin that lies in red blood cell in vessels. Chromophore is the essential substance that absorbs laser energy (laser therapy for veins).
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Zerona®-Z6 Laser

Zerona is the first non-invasive body contouring procedure to effectively remove excess fat without the negative side effects associated with surgical methods. Zerona utilizes the same cold laser technology developed by Erchonia, which has been shown to emulsify fat and allow it to move to interstitial space.
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