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Radio frequency needling

Radio frequency needling

If your skin is scarred, wrinkled, sagging or pigmented, Radio Frequency Needling (RF Needling) may be the perfect treatment for you!
RF Needling is a revolutionary treatment for skin tightening and rejuvenation. It uses a combination of radio frequency and percutaneous needling to induce collagen production and tighten elastin fibres.

What is it?

RF Needling is a minimally invasive treatment to assist with textured scarring, pore refinement and skin rejuvenation.

How does it work?

RF Needling uses micro needles to deliver radio frequency energy (heat) directly into various depths in the skin causing a controlled wound response. This creates a chain reaction in the skin to create new collagen fibres which helps to reduce pitted acne scarring and age concerns.

What is the procedure?

The procedure involves 6 or more treatments over the course of 2-4 week intervals, depending on the skin type/concern.

How long does it take?

Treatments can last 10-45 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.

What are the results and how long does it take for results to show?

The results will show a reduction in textured scarring, improvement in pore size and firmer skin in treated areas. Results can take 1-6 months to be noticeable however most people see a change after their 2nd or 3rd treatment.

How long do the results last for?

The length of results will vary person to person. As we age, naturally our skin loses laxity so with this loss of laxity, the appearance of scarring and pore size can (but not always) start to become slightly visible again.

Are there any maintenance treatments required?

Yes, maintenance treatments are suggested every 6-12 months to ensure the longevity of results from the treatment plan.

Do any other treatments compliment or work well with this treatment?

Growth Factor Injections is a fantastic treatment to combine with RF Needling as they both compliment each other. By having RF Needling prior to having Growth Factor Injections, it creates tiny microscopic holes in the skin so that the growth factors can penetrate the skin deeper.By having growth factor injections combined with RF Needling, you will experience better and faster results. The growth factors work on strengthening your skin structure whilst the RF Needling is working to heat and contract the elastin fibres to improve texture. Results will last much longer as the skin will be strong and youthful.

What are the comparative advantages of this treatment as opposed to other options out there?

The RF Needling works at the same depths as your typical “resurfacing” lasers, without any downtime. Prior to having RF Needling technology, the only options available for scarring and pore refinement were laser treatments that had 3-7 days’ downtime, which would require 6-8 weeks in between treatments. The other benefit of RF Needling is the ability to adjust the depth of the needle tips throughout the treatment. It is important to focus deep and superficially to maximise results.

Is there any pre or post care needed?

Skin must be prepped on a pigment inhibiting product 2-4 weeks prior to starting. Sun protection must be worn at all times, even if not in direct sun exposure.

Is there any side effects or down time?

Redness may be experienced after the treatment and usually disappears within 30 minutes. Sometimes the area treated may have a little bit of swelling for a few hours.

What areas can be treated?

Any area on the body can be treated. Surgical scars, acne scars, enlarged pores.

Who can be treated? And who is not suitable for the treatment?

Anybody who is prone to keloid scarring or on certain medications cannot be treated.

What is the cost?

Prices start from 145 guilders for the face only.