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General information: LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Meaning thus a lightbeam with lots of energy. This light energy will reach its target within milliseconds (one thousands of a second) or picoseconds (one million of a second).

  • Diode

    Our Aeslight Diode is a 808 nm laser for permanent hair laser treatment. It works with a cooling tip to soften the thermal effects during treatments.

  • Triple Diode

    The new Aeslight Ice is a triple frequency laser with incorporated Alexandrite 755nm laser, a Diode 808 nm laser and a Nd-Yag 1064 nm Long pulse laser for more effective hair laser effects in a shorter time frame.

  • Vascular diode

    The Vascular fiberoptic laser is a 980 mn laserbeam for small veins that may be visible on the face or lower body areas.

  • Zerona

    This non-invasive low-level laser works with 6 heads that stimulates fat cells to open up and release its contents (fat). With lymfatic drainage it will be transported into your bloodstream and broken down, resulting in energy production and circumference reduction.

  • Fractional CO2

    This a a more aggressive laser generated with CO2 gas for different purposes like scar reduction treatment, vaginal rejuvenation, facial rejuvenation and more.

  • XLR-8 laser

    Also a low level laser for reduction of inflammatory process like pain relief, neuropathic pain reducion and other inflammatory reactions.

  • Nd YAG

    Our Astanza Revolution is a Q-switched laser with two different optical probes, a 532 nm frequency for pigmentations, red/yellow colored tattoo treatments and a 1064 nm frequency for dark colored tattoo’s, onychomycosis.